Below is a combined page with photos of the steps i took to create my own ice cubes, i found this fun and interesting but was hard to take photographs of the ice, because the frosen ice covered the letters and it was hard to see them, but i took the photos and some came out well.
I then tried to create a 2d/3d image in photoshop and below is a new bottle shape, less eyecatching i think to my first option but thats to make the label more attractive. I keep to a simple label as i wanted the bottle to still be frosted, so below is the label and the 2d attempt of the new bottle. I included the new ice cubes with the letters aswell.

Below is a attempt at creating it in 3D max, but i still didnt find it attracting, i thought it was took bulky and not eyecatching, this was probly i couldnt get the ice cubes to look real enough.
My next option was to create the bottle out of letters, so that it would involve typography more. I had did a sketch and below I tried to create it on the computer in photoshop, but it doesnt really work that well, but i thought the sketch and idea was good.
I still couldn be satisfied with the bottle or label so after looking at some more research i can up with this simple shape of a bottle, and added a frosted effect to give it more realistic look. I also replaced the postion and placed a few small one in the bottle near teh top of the bottle. I also malipulated the label a bit, because the original label wasnt very satisfiying on the new bottle, so i took parts of the original label and created a simplier label. the back is still the same as the original bottle and a image of this is below.
Finaly satisfied with the design, i created some advertisments for the new vodka label and a new packaging. Although it may not be as apleling as the other ideas, i thought simpliar may be better.